
Showing posts from February, 2023


Robotics is an important technology of Industry 4.0, which provides extensive capabilities in the field of manufacturing. Present days robotic arms are created a great impact to the automation industry and there are lot of benefits, such as this is helpful to perform a complex hazardous job, automation, sustain high temperature, working entire time and for a long duration in assembly lines. Many robots operating in smart factories use AI to perform the tasks. There are five types of robotic arms using in the industry. Cartesian type robotic arm This type of arms working on the cartesian coordination system. This system identifies three axes. Each of these axes relates to movement of the arm axis from a point of origin. Below figure illustrates the three axes of the cartesian coordinate system. Notice that at the convergence of the three axes is the center point of origin. Cylindrical type robotic arm This type of arm has three degrees of freedom or three axes. This robotic syst


     Now we are in the 20 th century and the world is going forward with the technological innovations. The acceleration of technical innovations brought about an array of new tools and machines. This is also involved for some practical improvement in various field affecting to labor, production, and resource use. We can call this is for “Industrial revolution”. It has been said that the Industrial Revolution is the most profound revolution in human history. We can reveal the industrial revolution for, four categories. First industrial revolution (Industry 1.0) The first industrial revolution began at the end of the 18 th century with the using of steam power and mechanization of production. This was largely confined in Britain. Early in the 19th century the British also invented steam locomotives and steamships, which revolutionized travel. Britain tried to keep secret how its machines were made. But people went there to learn about them and took the techniques for their countri